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Special Potting Mix Recipe

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Special Potting Mix Recipe

  • ilovemarijuana

    *1.. a 65 liter bag of Searls premium organic potting mix with water Crystal’s.
    * 20 liters worth of coconut fiber…buy compressed blocks…and rehydrated them with rain water….
    * 6 liters worth of aged compost…(use a 4 liter ice cream container for the measurements)
    *4 liters of aged composted cow manure
    *6liters of any sandy garden soil
    *6 liters of Perlite…1 bag
    *4 liters of Who Flung Dung
    *1 regular sized coffee cup of Gypsum…level
    *1 reg. coffee cup of blood and bone…level
    *2 thirds of a cup of MgSO4…Epsom Salts…

    Tipped the searls mix onto the swept and mopped floor…..added the rehydrated coconut fiber, and blended it well together, than add the other ingredients one by one…and blended it well after every addition….

    Remember to wear a mask while mixing and wash hands after handling any potting mix.

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