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How Much Marijuana Can I Yield Per Plant

4 years ago

You are here; it means you have mentally and physically prepared to grow marijuana for your consumption or for earning some extra cash in legal states. Just like others, you too may be wondering about “How much marijuana can one plant produce?” It is quite normal to be excited and want to know the yield of one marijuana plant. But there is no sure short answer to this question. Yielding depends on various factors and because of that, it may vary from person to person.

Please note: POTGAGE is NOT a legal adviser. Information contained in this website is intended as general introductory information only. The information contained on this website is not legal advice. It should not be construed as legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.

Even strains or types of marijuana matter when we talk about yield per plant. It does not mean, you should not be caring about yield. You have every right to understand and know the answer to your question. So firstly we will discuss how to increase your yield by following some simple types. It will help you in getting a good amount of marijuana without any worries.

  1. Before growing marijuana, you must gather information and knowledge about growing it. It will help in getting good yields. Without knowledge, you may end up killing your plant before the harvest or you may get fewer yields as compared to others. Marijuana is suitable for both indoor and outdoor. First, choose the best place for your growth. Because of the area, your information may vary.
  2. In the case of indoor setups for growing, ample amounts of light must be arranged for better yields. Light plays a great role in getting a good harvest. The indoor system does not have the privilege of using sunlight as a source of light. Here you have to make arrangements for the artificial lighting. CFL and LED are two types of light widely used by experienced growers all over the world. Never compromise on the light.
  3. Fertile soil also helps in getting good results. Either you are using indoor or outdoor space for growing, you must choose fertile soil like alluvial. This type has a high capacity to hold water for a long time and in that case, you need not water the plant every day. Secondly, fertile soil provides better nutrients to the plant so you need not spend your hard- earned money on purchasing fertilizers and using them. Choose types of soils wisely by considering fertility, PH level, and availability of nutrients.
  4. Growing marijuana comes with its options. You can simply purchase a plant from the market or online and then place it at the designated place. Secondly, you may purchase feminized seed for the store and germinate it and then plant. In the third option, you may purchase a simple seed and plant it after germinating. The second option is the best way to get more yields. In that way, you will plant only female seeds of marijuana thus increasing your chances of yielding. Normal seed plantation is not advised because, in the later stage of growth, you need to remove male plants from the plantation area.
  5. Never grow marijuana without leaving ample space between two plants. Less number of plants means, more yielding. In that way, more care and nutrients are received by marijuana plants. It is always a good idea to plant four plants instead of more than that per lamp in an indoor setting. If you have installed one lamp in your indoor setup, then you must plant a maximum of five seeds of marijuana. In that way, you may increase your yield by 25 percentages. Here chances of disease or die are also less. Furthermore, the vegetative stages of plants last for longer days. It is easily manageable and gives the best yield.
  6. Always choose the best yield strain of marijuana. The market is full of different strains and you must be aware that all the strains are not good. Some strains like Blue Dream, Afghan Kush, Big Bud, etc give better yield as compared to other strains. Get help from a knowledgeable person before deciding which strain to grow.
  7. Proper watering is of utmost importance. The soil near the plant should never be dry. Dryness near the plant hampers the growth of the plant. However, it is also observed that some plants die because of high water levels. Water should always be in the required amount. Excess water or short water is harmful to plant growth. It not only retards growth but also a good amount of yield is also not received.

How much marijuana can you yield indoors?

While growing indoors, Lights plays a great role. Without providing a good amount of light, it is quite difficult to get a good amount of yield. As compared to outdoor growing, indoor provides fewer yields. On average 400 grams yield is received from indoor plants.

Some more questions and answers related to yield for marijuana growing:

1. What is the requirement of light for the best yield?

Light plays a great role. You must provide light up to 18 to 20 hours for a good yield. Outdoor growing is that’s why preferred by many because here you need not supply any artificial light.

2. Can I yield up to 500 grams in my indoor settings?

Yes, your target is quite achievable. You need to plan well and implement all the steps mentioned above. People with less knowledge get yield up to 400 grams. Provide proper conditions to the plant and at the same time, only cultivate when the right time comes. Many people make mistakes in deciding the right time for cultivation and in that way they face the loss of yield.

3. Can I use fluorescent lights instead of CFL and LED?

Yes, you may use fluorescent light but you will not get a good yield. This type of artificial lighting for your marijuana plant is also costly. It consumes more electricity and your bill may go up because of that. Furthermore, it gives more heat than light. Heat is quite damaging for marijuana. Light is necessary for heat and should always be avoided.

4. Can I rely on the average yield mentioned in your article?

It is quite difficult to predict yield before growing. Yield depends on lots of factors. Here average yield is provided and it is achievable. With some care and knowledge, you too can get that much marijuana from a single plant at your home. To know more about achieving this target for yield, you may visit other sections to know more about marijuana

5. What is the importance of space to get good yields of marijuana?

Adequate space is a basic necessity for marijuana growing. Without that, you may not get good yields. But space is not available at everyone’s place in plenty. Some people lack space and still they want to get good yields from a plant. If you have less space, get help from us. We have experts that help in utilizing every inch of your designated area by using advanced technology. You may get good yields from less space.

It is good that you are thinking about yield before growing but wasting time is not a wise decision here. First, you start growing. Marijuana is always beneficial and you will get good yields unless you mess up the growing. Love your marijuana plant and believe in your plantation techniques for better yields.

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