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How to Grow Just One Marijuana Plant At Home

4 years ago
grow marijuana

Growing marijuana at home is always beneficial for all aspects. That is the reasons so many people from all over the world prefer growing it. When we talk about growing, home is the best option. While growing at home, you may enjoy the hobby of gardening and at the same time, you will get a good quality of marijuana for your personal use. If the harvest is good, you even can earn some extra cash.

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Marijuana is a type of Cannabis, which is known for its medicinal and other purposes. If you are not interested in growing more marijuana for business purposes, just grow a single plant. Without much hassle, you will get your
desired harvest. We are here to help you guide how to grow it at home. Details as follows:-

1. Growing: – Home growing of marijuana is always the best option because of various features. Here you need not go anywhere to take care of the plant. Stay at your home and at the same time takes care of your plant. Also, you give good care to the plant because you are available all the time. Early in the morning or late in the night, it’s all up to you to choose the best time to take care. Home growing has two options:-

  • Indoor Growing: – This is the best-suited option for people who are not having enough space outside their home. What you need is the lighting system, adequate space in the home, and a watering and water drainage system. Ideally, you need a minimum of around 9 square feet (0.8 square meters) inside your home for growing. You may manage artificial lighting by using CFL, LED, etc. Besides arranging the facility of light, all the requisites are the same as the outdoor system.
  • Outdoor system: – It is only possible when you have some space left in front of your home or the back of your home. However, outdoor growing also comes with some problems. The risk of damage by insects is quite high in the outdoor system. But it is less costly as compared to the indoor system. Here you need to spend a penny on the light. Sunlight is the best source of light for plants and it will be available in plenty in case of outdoor growing.

2. Collecting required information and knowledge about marijuana growing: – Various online and offline knowledge sources are available for a beginner to gain knowledge about marijuana growing. Information like the best type of soil, best strains, etc is very much important. As you have chosen the option to grow indoor or outdoor, gathering information is quite easy based on that. You may visit some online websites for knowing the best minerals for marijuana growing. Temperate and humidity must be in the ideal range for growing.

3. Type of plantation: – When we talk about the plantation, there are three types of option is available for home growers:-

  • Purchase a plant from a local shop or order online from various websites selling the same. This is quite expensive and risky as compared to the other two available options. Chances of plant damage in transit are also high. It is also quite possible that after receiving the plant, you are unable to support it with the required conditions and plants die within one week of receiving. It also costs more.
  • Purchasing feminized seeds from online stores or offline stores. These types of seeds are specially sorted for growing. You must know that only female plants are useful for growers. Male plants are not useful because they cannot give seeds. So as you think about growing just a single plant at home, this option suits you. It is easily available to purchase from the market.
  • Buying normal seeds from the market or online store. It is cheaper as compared to the other two options mentioned above. Here you will not be sure, you are growing a male plant or a female plant. As you have decided to grow just a single plant, in the case of male plants, all your hard work and money will go into the vein.

4. Germination of seeds: – You need to follow this step when you have purchased seeds from the market. Before sowing into the ground, you need to germinate it. Germination is quite a simple process. Just wrap it in a soft cloth or a specially designed paper available in the market. Wet the wrappings and leave them in some dark area of your home. You must ensure that it is not kept under direct sunlight. However, keeping it in a completely dark area is also not advisable. Leave it for a minimum of 7 days; keep watering it daily for the best result. After one week, you see a
plant coming from seeds. Take seeds from the wrappings and plant where you have decided to grow.

5. Watering the plant: – Keep watering the plant and take care well. From initial to the final phase of the plant takes around six months depending upon the type of marijuana. Have patience and notice any changes in the plants. In the final stage small hairs come into the plants. Also more than half of the white hairs turn grey when right harvest time comes. Decide accordingly and harvest the plant. That’s it.

No need to wait for more and more time to pass on. Start growing marijuana from today itself. Follow our guides religiously for the best results.

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